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Official Trailers
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NANA is a feature-length transgenerational documentary. The filmmaker retraces her grandmother's Auschwitz survival story, and investigates how her life-long fight against intolerance can be taught to the new generations.

Maryla Michalowski-Dyamant, born in Poland, survived Ravensbruck, Malchow, and Auschwitz, where she was the forced translator of the “Angel of Death”, Dr. Mengele. She dedicated her post-war life to publicly speaking of her survival to the young generations, so that it would never be forgotten or repeated. Alice and Serena, her daughter and granddaughter, explore how Maryla’s fight against intolerance can continue today, in a world where survivors are disappearing, and intolerance, racism and antisemitism are on the rise.

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Serena Dykman

Director | Writer | Producer

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New York-based award winning filmmaking from France and Belgium.

Founder and President of Dyamant Pictures.

Represented by Buchwald

Alice Michalowski


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Brussels-based producer, writer, and educator. 

Corentin Soibinet

Editor | Associate Producer | Co-writer

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New York and San Francisco-based editor and videographer from France. 

David Breger


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New York and Paris-based journalist. 

Julia Elaine Mills


Nick Walker 


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New York-based award-winning cinematograhers and producers. 




Serena Dykman


Serena Dykman, Alice Michalowski, Stephane Dykman

Associate Producers:

Larissa Foulon, Corentin Soibinet, Johannes Blum


Serena Dykman with David Breger & Corentin Soibinet


Corentin Soibinet


Directors of Photography:

Nick Walker & Julia Elaine Mills


Post Sound:

Charles de Montebello


Original Music & Piano:

Carine Gutlerner


Motion graphic design & animation:

Alex Noble



Village Voice

“Dykman does well to let her grandmother anchor the film: Michalowski-Dyamant’s charisma and pathos shine through countless cuts of archival footage. More often than not, Michalowski-Dyamant is refreshingly blunt, whether speaking about the last time she saw her mother or cracking one-liners. “How do you like my apartment?” she jokes to a group of students touring the camp barracks, her gallows humor tempering the bleakness.”


"Often when we talk about the Holocaust, we mention the six million Jews who perished and forget about the millions of people who were targeted and killed for their sexual orientation, ethnicity or political beliefs. NANA, however, does not make that mistake. As a Jewish woman, Maryla was in the position to share only Jewish perspectives and experiences—but throughout her years of work, she reminds us constantly that the story of the Holocaust, and of genocide in general, is not just about Jewish people. "

Film Monthly

"As an African-American, I do realize the horrors of the Slave Trade and Middle Passage. I have seen movies and heard accounts, and even read a couple of Slave Narratives. I understand about the lives lost and the atrocities that would compel my ancestors to jump into the ocean, as opposed to being sold as chattel to men who could not have been human. But to have Ms. Maryla tell her story in her own words—while her brave heart was yet beating—was a tear-jerker. However, it was the most educational and visual film that I have seen so far about that time in history."


“What makes Dykman’s film powerful is the forceful personality and intelligence of Nana. […] Intolerance continues across the world and in our own front and back yards. Nana is no longer here to be an activist for a better world. It is as important now, as ever, to understand that narrow-mindedness can lead to intolerance and racism, and such hatred can lead to the torture and genocide of innocent people.”

Our Town

A granddaughter bears witness

“For the skeptics, Dykman’s youth is in fact one of the film’s strengths. This is a story of Holocaust survival, but it is also a master class in transmission. "

Participation of Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the EC, in the screening of the film "Nana" on the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day: interview

"Frans TIMMERMANS, First Vice-President of the EC in charge of Better Regulation, Inter-Institutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, attends in Bozar the screening of the film "Nana" on the occasion of the Holocaust Remembrance Day"

Steven Spielberg's USC Shoah Foundation

"After Maryla described her experiences – she was deported from Bedzin, Poland, to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where she was forced to work as Dr. Josef Mengele’s translator, and survived a death march to Ravensbuck and Malchow concentration camps – the interviewer asked if there was anything she wanted to say to her granddaughter, Serena. Maryla said she hoped Serena “does everything so it doesn’t happen again.” As a young filmmaker, Serena is now fulfilling her grandmother’s wish"

Below The Line Podcast

"Serena Dykman talks about her documentary 'Nana' that tells the story of her grandmother's fight against intolerance, Stephen King's detective stories, and what Pretty Woman could have been."

BUST Magazine 8 Up-And-Coming Women Directors To Watch

"Dykman and her mother retrace the steps of Dykman’s late grandmother Maryla Michalowski-Dyamant, a Holocaust survivor and activist, in this documentary. Dykman also speaks with other Holocaust survivors, friends of her grandmother’s, and activists as she grapples with questions of what it means to inherit trauma."

Transgenerational Remembrance

"Nana is empirically significant as it showcases Maryla’s suffering and triumph of will so thoroughly. We see this through her archival footage as she describes her agonizing experience as a translator for Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz, amongst other things, and also in interviews with Holocaust scholars she had worked with. Maryla’s hopes for a more tolerant world and her efforts in Holocaust education were expressed to a profound effect by both her and her colleagues."

Reviews by Amos Lassen

"Although the content is often heavy, it is filled with moments of hope and joy. Michalowski-Dyamant is funny and her sense of humor runs deep and at the end of the credits there are some real gems that come in the outtakes."

Chagrin Documentary Film Fest Announces Film Selections for 8th Annual Festival

"The Chagrin Documentary Film Festival has been named one of Movie Maker Magazine’s Top 50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee for the fifth year in a row. The magazine credits the remarkable welcome which the Festival and entire community extends to visiting film directors."

Fargo Film Fest winner of Best Documentary Feature wit Bob Harris on KFGO (radio)

Meet Serena Dykman, winner of the Bill Snyder Award for Best Documentary Feature at the 2017 Fargo Film Festival! Serena describes the film as a "transgenerational documentary on tolerance", as she retraces her grandmother's  survival story in the Auschwitz concentration camp . 

Palm Beach Post "What celebrity icon is being honored in Boca Raton?"

“Nana,” a documentary by Serena Dykman on her grandmother, who survived the Auschwitz death camp in World War II. Dykman will appear at the 1 p.m. March 29 showing at the Palace."


What Women on a roll: Female directors dominate at Fargo Film Festival

Prairie Public Broadcasting (TV)

Matt Olien and Brittney Goodman co-host the Fargo Film Festival Preview Show, showing clips from the winning films entered in the 17th annual Fargo Film Festival, which runs March 21-25, 2017. Winning films include "Always Shine" "The Search" "Bon Voyage" "The Little Dictator" "Gratus" "Taking Flight" "Nana" and "Refugee"

Anchorage Press

"This content is rich, captivating and speaks volumes to the political situation then and now. Michalowski-Dyamant was more than a survivor, she was one of the few beacons of light remaining after the Holocaust. Her story transcends because she is brilliant and compassionate and can’t help but make connections between suffering, history and hope."

Jewcy Magazine

"If you believe that you have seen every statement of resilience and every vision of horror eloquently related, you will find a renewed and different connection to the legacy of the Shoah after you see this film."

St. Louis Jewish Light

"Director Serena Dykman was aware that her grandmother had been at Auschwitz but knew few details until, as an adult, she read her memoir."


"Serena's latest film, NANA, is a beautiful and moving multi-generational documentary that reminds us what can happen in a world of intolerance. The film is a tribute to her grandmother, and an expression of Serena's deeply held and very personal commitment to acceptance."

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EJC and European Commission host screening of the film NANA

"Among other things, the panel discussed the common responsibility of Europeans to never forget the lessons of the Shoah: “The European Union was born in Buchenwald. Hatred of Jews is today exploited for political gain. If we stay silent on that, the European project will fail.” said First Vice-President Timmermans.  “We need to teach people at a young age. This is not only the story of the Jews, it belongs to humanity as a whole”, added Serena Dykman."

The Hollywood Reporter

“She passed away 15 years ago, but Holocaust survivor Maryla Michalowski-Dyamant feels very much alive in the documentary made by her granddaughter, Serena Dykman. Nana proves another valuable addition to the Holocaust documentary canon, exploring Maryla's important legacy in devoting much of her later years to educating people about the horrors she experienced and witnessed.”

The Independent Critic

"At a time when anti-semitism is on the rise and political wheels have turned a potentially dangerous direction in multiple nations, Nana is a timely and unforgettable call to action to rise up and do something before it's too late."

This Week in New York

“Serena is now keeping her grandmother’s legacy alive at a time when there are fewer and fewer survivors and witnesses and more and more white supremacists and fascist leaders around the globe. But like her grandmother, Serena is filled with the hope that things can change, and films like Nana, which has won awards at numerous international festivals, need to be made and widely seen to accomplish just that.”

The Telegraph

‘Nana,’ the world’s most badass grandmother “This hilarity from the world’s most badass grandmother brings light into the dark tale, and makes “Nana” an absolutely gripping feature film and a well-deserved winner at many international film festivals.”


“On Being a Millennial Making a Holocaust Film: Serena Dykman shares her experiences making her directorial debut, Nana, which is released this week.”

Trust Movies

"This is one of the best, most explicit, deep and profound explanations by a Holocaust survivor that I have yet encountered."

Broadway World "Award-Winning Doc NANA Opens 4/13 in NY"

"First Run Features is proud to announce the New York premiere of NANA, directed by Serena Dykman. The film, which documents Dykman's journey with her mother Alice as they retrace her grandmother's Auschwitz survival story, opens April 13, 2018 at the Cinema Village, to coincide withYom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day."

Manahttan Neighborhood Network - Imagining NANA (Television)

KIDS FIRST ! NANA – Deeply Touching Documentary about A Nana Who Survived the Holocaust

"This inspirational film is a must see. A story within a story, there are so many authentic personal stories including her memoir writer collaborator, recorder of survivor testimonies, Jewish history teacher and educational project designer among those who knew her well. Ms. Dykman’s footage is complemented by the archival footage that turned up unexpectedly."

Screening the Holocaust film series returns for a second year

"Miriam Klein Kassenoff, director of the Holocaust Teacher Institute, said, "Not only is 'Nana' a gem of a film because of its intergenerational commentary on how the Holocaust impacted a daughter and granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, but also for its historical information narrated by granddaughter Serena. This film without any images of terror manages still to tell the history with a heartfelt gentleness."

A Women's Thing

Meet the 24-Year-Old Filmmaker Behind the Holocaust Documentary NANA

Cleveland Jewish News

"“Nana,” which is about Maryla Michalowski-Dyamant. She spent years in the ghetto and the camps in Poland and served as the translator for the infamous Dr. Josef Mengele in Auschwitz."  

PlumbTalk - Interview with Serena Dykman (live video interview)

Dr. Shelly Plumb interviews NANA filmmaker Serena Dykman before the Florida premiere of NANA at the Palm Beach International Film Festival. 

The WEI network (radio)

Peter's LivingRoom radio interview - Serena Dykman at the Palm Beach International Film Festival 

Fargo Underground

The Fargo Film Festival is proud to announce the regional premiere of “Nana,” with special guest, director Serena Dykman.

2017 Fargo Film Festival Preview

“Nana,” directed by Serena Dykman, is another must-see. Winner of the festival’s best documentary award, the film follows Dykman as she traces her grandmother’s Auschwitz survival story through Europe. Dykman will attend the festival.


 "Identity is changing among young Jews, but our generation’s unique retelling of the Shoah has yet to be really heard. That’s why I was excited when I learned about young filmmaker Serena Dykman’s “transgenerational” documentary about the Holocaust. What is a Holocaust film though a Millennial’s lens? When the last Holocaust survivor passes away, how will our generation carry on the community memory?​"

New Voices

" She believed that she had an advantage as a filmmaker to reach the millennial generation and those to come, so that the Holocaust would never be forgotten. Nana, her documentary on her grandmother, Maryla Michalowski-Dyamant, began."

CCLJ (French)

"Elle a aujourd’hui 23 ans, l’âge qu’avait sa grand-mère lorsqu’elle a été déportée. Et c’est pour perpétuer le message d’ouverture et de tolérance qui lui a été transmis qu’elle a souhaité faire ce film Nana. Un magnifique hommage de la 3egénération pour prévenir la jeunesse de ce qui peut arriver de pire."

Le Suricate (French)

"Il s’agit d’un véritable trio de femmes résistantes et se battant inlassablement pour un avenir meilleur et tolérant. Elles apportent chacune ce que leur propre génération leur a appris tout en se nourrissant de l’expérience des deux autres." 

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Quotes & Testimonials

Quotes & Testimonials

"I am pleased that I had an opportunity to view your documentary, which I found to be very well done, as well as, very  interesting. NANA must have been proud of your work and determination to preserve her legacy."

- ​Hon. Robert Ogrodnik, Consul Emeritus Polish Consulate in Saint Louis

"C’était un très grand plaisir pour moi d’avoir pu assister à la première New Yorkaise de “Nana” et de saluer votre maman. Félicitations avec le beau travail, votre « Nana » aurait été très fière de vous si elle avait pu voir votre réalisation, comme je le suis également."

- Cathy Buggenhout- Consul General of Belgium (New York)

“It was a great honor for me to be able to attend the New York premiere of NANA, and to be able to say hello to your mother. Congratulations for this beautiful piece of work; would she have been able to see it, your Nana would have been very proud of you, and I am proud of you as well.” (translated from French)

- Cathy Buggenhout- Consul General of Belgium (New York)

“I found the film “NANA” to be a beautiful film for perfect use in the classroom. Not only is it a gem of a film because of its intergenerational commentary on how the Holocaust impacted a daughter and granddaughter of survivor NANA, but also for its historical information. A gem of a new film—I highly recommend it –Thank you Serena for this gift of a film for many generations to learn from, to share and to teach.”

- Dr Miriam Klein Kassenoff, Education /Curriculm Specialist Holocaust Studies, 

Miami Dade County Public Schools, Director, University of Miami Holocaust Institute

“I just finished being captivated and deeply moved by your documentary NANA. I felt compelled to write you. It's impossible to underestimate the importance of your dedication to keeping your grandmother's legacy and message alive. The film made me laugh and cry. It opened my heart to the power of the human spirit and love. The message of tolerance rings loud and clear. This film and your grandmother's legacy will live with me for the rest of my days. Thank you for making it.”

- Mark Hoffe (Newfoundland, Canada)

"I had the wonderful opportunity to not only attend the screening of the film, "Nana - A Documentary," but also to meet this extraordinary young woman who is continuing her grandmother's legacy of teaching tolerance."

- Joan Darco (Fargo, ND)

“Your work is a wonder that NEEDS that widespread distribution”

- Theodore Kleinman (Fargo, ND)

"Thank you for coming! It was an incredible film!"

-Jen Anderson (Fargo, ND)

"I was fortunate to be in the audience watching this film....a must see for everyone… "

Deb Hill (Fargo, ND)

"Hi Serena, just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed seeing your documentary, full of heart and profound! Thank you for sharing her story, I know she is  so proud of you and all of the hard work you put into this project.  You have a true gift!"

- Kim Floberg (Florida)

"Merci pour votre travail c'est un documentaire touchant et émouvant et qui fait réfléchir! Encore une grand merci pour votre très beau travail. Votre histoire m'a énormément touchée et m'aide même à mieux apprécier la vie! Votre famille est magnifique bravo"

-Louisa Lenain (France)

"Having survived the "Factory of death"---Nana has fully paid the "Price of life" and her daughter and granddaughter have paid it forward.... thank you"

- Mark Stodghill‎ (St. Louis, MO)

Je suis très fier de voir que le film est projeté a des étudiants, c'est la plus belle des recompenses que de voir la parole de Maryla transmise a la jeune generation, pour moi ca vaut beaucoup plus que n'importe quelle autre recompense, le passage de témoin (expression heureuse) se fait, et l'on sait que ce sont autant de petites graines qui germeront et nous permettront de construire un monde meilleur.

A titre personnel, j'ai l'impression d'avoir hérité d'une partie de sa force, je le constate depuis l'election désastreuse de Novembre et tout ce qui se passe ici depuis. Quand je commence a déprimer, ou quand je commence la journée énervé par telle ou telle nouvelle, je pense a Maryla, et je souris, et je me dis qu'ils ne m'auront pas, et je decide de vivre ma vie heureux, puisse mon bonheur exploser au visage de tous ces gens conduits par une haine intérieure. Sans Maryla, je serai détruit a l'heure actuelle.

- Corentin Soibinet (France, USA)

[NANA] was very powerful!! Having Nana speak and then the translation captured their attention.  The fact that the granddaughter is young and very open about her relationship with her grandmother is also was powerful  My students 6th graders watched a documentary last week on Discovery titled "A Teenagers Story: Auschwitz".  This film was even more powerful."

-Ms. M. Arango, Social Studies Teacher (Miami, FL)


"I found it very interesting after watching it with 2 classes.  In discussing the film afterwards with my high school students, I had a variety of responses.  Some found it very interesting- and focused on the experiences of Nana--and wanted more explanation of her experiences--  A few were able to connect the tragedy of living and not dying, and the difficulty of being the child and grandchild of a survivor."

I do appreciate all your great efforts to present the very personal story of you, your mother, and of your Nana. The individual stories make a special connection to kids today."

-Larry Schwarz, Teacher SPED/Amer. Sign Language (Miami, FL)


"Congrats to Serena Dykman and her team on a poignant portrayal of a fiercely independent woman, with a contagious joy for life. Nana's story needed to be told! so proud to be here."

- Alisson Vicenzi (New York)


"Kudos to you and the team, you have managed to create a film that truly reflects your grandmother's wish: to educate the generations to come."

​"If something I knew about the Jewish 'story' (apart from the typical Eastern European jokes) was the Holocaust.

And I never thought that the best film I will ever see about Holocaust will be written and filmed by a 24-year-old girl from Brussels, a city that I grew to hate just as my love towards Israel and Jews were strengthened.

Serena Dykman made a movie NANA that sheds a light on the Holocaust and the life after it in the most human way: through humor and tears.

A truly incredible movie about her incredible grandmother and how one could be content but never truly happy after Auschwitz.

And now I'm speechlessly riding on the train home to my comfort.

Do you even know how much you have no issues in life?"

- Virag Gulyas (Hungary, New York)

"[ You ] should be incredibly proud of your important work. Last night, I attended the screening of your film "Nana" at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, which was truly remarkable. Thank you again, and keep up the important and most meaningful work."

- Eden Mia Hoffman (New York)

"[I wanted] to tell you how much I enjoyed your film. It was powerful, heart-wrenching, inspiring and, at times, humorous."

- Lori Sokol, Ph.D., Executive Director Women’s eNews (New York)

"Congratulations on your film! It's a really wonderful and you should be extremely proud of how the finished film turned out."

- Jim Beggarly (New York)


"Your Nana – what an astounding, amazing lady! Your archival footage is not just wonderful for the film, but such a blessing that it exists."

- Ed (New York)


"I was somewhat overwhelmed at the film's end. Watching your grandmother, your mother, and you, all together through the magic of that film left me speechless, and I wanted to hold onto the feeling as long as possible... I hope that makes sense. It gave me a perspective that will follow me until the end of my life. Thank you. VERY WELL DONE."

Randall McNeal (New York)


"Wow. What an evening. You and your mom must be walking on air, infused with the grace of knowing you are living your life's truth. As the time elapses from my viewing of your powerful film, layers of awareness  open up to me. I felt, at first the strongest overarching  theme was a plea for tolerance , awareness, vigilance.  Yet I am stirred with a call to life.  I have been very taken lately with appreciating the precious moments of this experience of life. Nana reinforced this embrace.

But back to you. The genuineness of the evening, reflected in both the film and your beautiful authentic communication with the audience was stunningly refreshing.  You are courageous and vulnerable as the artist. I applaud your integrity."

- Diane Zaremba (New York)


"I laughed, I cried, and I felt privileged to know you even just a little bit."

- Wendy Smolen (New York)


"NANA was very moving--your grandmother's story, and her personality, really shined through. She seems like someone any of us would be lucky to know. It was a pleasure talking with you, too, and I'm so glad we got to feature your story on A Women's Thing. Congratulations on your achievement, and best of luck with all your future endeavors--perhaps our paths will cross again!"

-Allison Geller, Associate Editor, A Women's Thing (New York)


"It was a great film experience to see NANA at the Museum of Jewish Heritage followed by the terrific panel discussion including your Mom.   I love the way you told your story, and was sorry when the film ended.   Your Grandmother would be very proud of how you tell this important story."

- Lisa Reznik (New Jersey)

"Ben et moi tenions à te féliciter pour ton extraordinaire documentaire. Le message que tu transmets est universel et nous sommes impressionnés par ta force et ton courage, qui tu tiens sans aucun doute de ton incroyable Grand-Mère. Merci d'avoir partagé ce témoignage de vie et de tolérance."

-Camille Richard et Benjamin Degrave (France, USA)


"Congratulations, it is a wonderful doc, and your grandmother had terrific charisma, spirit, and humor. She was captivating to watch!"

-Adi Mehr (New York)


"Serena- WOW- words cannot even describe the emotions I went through, I cried I laughed and so many more! I am so proud that Fusion Film Festival recognized this story, and recognized you, and your mother and your Nana. And also of all the other organizations and film festivals who saw how amazing this film is!!!!!!!! I am so grateful to you that younger generations are seeing this. Serena- you are continuing your Nana's work both you and your mum! Please continue to get Nana out there so more people can watch it and if you ever need any help I would love to help you in any way I can. Thank you for tonight and thank you for all of your hard work, passion and most of all love for continuing this journey of Nana! Lastly congratulations for screening tonight at the Museum of Jewish Heritage, a momentous occasion!"

- Piera Van de Wiel (New York, England)

"Thank you for making such a wonderful film! I love your Nana!!! I truly admire her sense of humor despite everything she'd been through."

-Debbie Troche (New York)


“Last night I had the privilege of seeing NANA’'s New York screening. It is an amazing and beautifully made tribute to Serena's grandmother Maryla. Maryla was a Holocaust survivor who spent a good part of her life reliving the atrocities in order to promote understanding and tolerance for mankind..all in the hopes that the world would not repeat the unimaginable acts of the Holocaust. She spoke at many schools hoping that teaching children would help them to grow up to be better and kinder adults. My explanation does not do the story justice...but know it is a powerful and award winning film that shouldn't be missed. Hopefully people will have many opportunities to see for themselves..if you do..don't miss it. So proud of Serena, her mom Alice and the talented production team! Maryla is looking down from Heaven and is so very proud.”

-Dorri Aspinwall (Staten Island)


“Powerful, sad. And made me re-commit to making this world never forget.”

-Diane Krasne (New Jersey)


"Congratulations on so many fronts for a memorable evening. Nana is a masterpiece...the way it came together riveting, moving, funny. Even after seeing several previous iterations, it held our interest throughout."

-Rit & Susan Weaver (New York)

"As a facilitator of a group for children of Holocaust survivors in Phoenix, Arizona, I want to add to the accolades this film is receiving. It is moving and poignant, the interviews stress the humor as well as the stress of survival of the Holocaust. It shows how clearly the trauma has been transmitted from mother to daughter, paralyzingly the daughter from sharing the story with her own daughter when she was old enough to absorb the information. As with third generation children of Holocaust survivors all over the world, there is a new interest in information about the history of anti-semitism, government directed discrimination, deportation and incarceration. Public opinion was, and still is, manipulated to discredit and isolate any other. Millennials need to know what happened so they can fight against intolerance where they live."

-Phyllis W Palm, PhD (New York)

"Jamais je n'avais ressentie une telle émotion face au poids de la Shoah."

- Ripsymee Tahmazian. (Montepellier, France)

"Very much enjoyed seeing last night your fine tribute to your Nana, a remarkable, intelligent and witty woman who also possesses a wonderful sense of humor!"

-Sonya Leobold (New York)


"I love the film, I still have tears in my eyes. A beautiful and powerful message to all generations."

- Eran Plotnik (Canada)

"Today in Chagrin Falls, Ohio my 88 year old dad and I saw your wonderful tribute to your nana. Thank you for making sure the world is aware of the terrifying times that manifested from intolerance and extremism. Keep showing this movie please."

Elizabeth Hellmuth (Chagrin Falls, Ohio)

"I got to see Nana Sunday morning and loved it. I am sure she is so very proud of you for sharing her story in such a loving way. She was certainly a special, strong woman to have survived all those horrors then be able to go on to be a wife, mother and Nana.
We just never know what heights we can rise to until placed into many horrible situations- her strength of character and humor is to be applauded. Thanks for dedicating your time and efforts to share her story so that her message can be passed along to many generations to come."

-Nancy (Chagrin Falls, Ohio)


:Thank you again for making such a beautiful film, and for carrying your Nana’s work forward for all of us."

-Jody Alyn (Colorado Springs, Colorado)

"Dear Serena, the film about you grandma was so personal and so emotional that saying just ‘thank you for sharing the story with us’ seems to be not enough, even trivial. I was very moved by the story of Nana and I can’t exactly remember my words. Probably the most striking thing for me was that we, as guides in the Auschwitz museum had a choice. It was our conscious decision to work in this place, to talk about the Shoah, to live with the burden of death whereas you had no choice. As a granddaughter of the Holocaust survivor you were born with that burden and sooner or later you had to face that. It’s a part of your identity but it is also a great responsibility. And I can just imagine how difficult it is.

Once again thank you."

- Barbara Dębska (tour guide in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Poland)

Awards & Screenings



Madelyn's Choice Award

Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival


Audience Choice Award

Best Documentary

East Lansing Film Festival


 Best of Show Award Chagrin Docs Without Borders Film Festival


 Mary Lerner Human Spirit Award Chagrin Documentary Film Festival


 Silver Palm Award for Best Documentary Feature at the Mexico International Film Festival 


 Mira Nair Award for Rising Female Filmmaker at the Harlem International Film Festival 



 Best Biography Award for at the

Palm Beach International Film Festival 


Audience Choice

Feature Film

Amnesty International

Au Cinéma pour les 

Droits Humains



 Bill Snyder Award for Best Documentary Feature at the Fargo Film Festival 


 Leon Award for Best Documentary Film at the St. Louis International Film Festival 


Best Teaser at the Take Two Film Festival 



Best Documentary Pitch at the Fusion Film Festival, judged by HBO, Chicken & Egg, Impact Partners, VICE, IFP.



Alan Landsburg Post-Production Grant



Brussels Premiere

Nana's 100th birthday special screening

Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif

Wednesday November 6, 2019 at 8pm

52 rue de l'Hôtel des Monnaies

1060 Saint-Gilles Brussels

Free tickets here

(link not compatible on mobile)

Information and tickets

Denver Premiere

Denver Jewish Film Festival

Friday February 8, 2019 at 1pm

Elaine Wolf Theatre (JCC Denver campus) 350 S Dahlia St,

Denver, CO 80246

Information and tickets

Sydney Premiere

Sunday February 3rd, 2019 at 3:30pm

Sydney Jewish Museum

148 Darlinghurst Rd.

Darlinghurst NSW 2010

Information and tickets

Oklahoma Premiere

Sunday December 30th at 2pm

Circle Cinema 

10 S Lewis Avenue

Tulsa, OK 74104

Information and tickets 

Park East Synagogue

November 18, 2018

Teaneck International Film Festival

November 4, 2018

Chicago Premiere

Illinois Holocaust Museum

October 28, 2018

Yale University

With Fortunoff Video Archives for Holocaust Testimonies

October 24, 2018

Jewish Holocaust Center


She for S.H.E

Wednesday June 20 at 7pm NYC


Friday June 8 at 6:30pm

Winning Jewish Film Festival

Wednesday June 6 at 7pm

Paris premiere

Mémorial de la Shoah

Sunday May 13 at 2:30pm

Holocaust Council of GreaterWest NJ

Sunday May 6 at noon

Fraternal Order of Bendin-Sosnowicer

Museum of the City of New York


Friday April 13 to Thursday April 19, 2018 

Cinema Village, NYC

Classrooms Without Borders

April, 2018

Pittsburgh, PA 


Washing D.C.

George Washington University

April 5th, 2018

Jewish Lit Live with Faye Moskowitz

European Commission & European Jewish Congress

Private screening in Brussels

International Holocaust Commemoration Day

January 24, 2018

Screening introduced by Katharina Von Schnurbein, European coordinator on combating anti-semitism, and Raya Kalenova, Executive Vice President of the European Jewish Congress, and followed by a panel with the First Vice President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans, world-renowned historian and author Prof. Simon Schama and filmmaker Serena Dykman, moderated by Gillian Merron, CEO of the The Board of Deputies of British Jews.

JW3 London

UK premiere

Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27, 2018 @ 7:30pm

Screening followed by a Q&A with the director and associate producer

Chagrin Falls Documentary Film Festival

(Encore Screening)

Sunday January 28, 2018 @ 6pm

Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Auschwitz Memorial

Polish premiere

Presented at the Auschwitz Memorial

to educators and staff

November 29, 2017

Screening followed by a Q&A with the director and subject/producer

East Lansing Film Festival

November 11 & 14 2017

East Lansing, MI

Tuesday screening followed by a Q&A with the director

Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival

November 11 2017 

Cornerstone Arts Center

Colordo Springs, CO 80903

followed by a Q&A with the director

Bushwick Film Festival

Friday October 13 2017 @ 3pm

Brooklyn, NY 11206

followed by a Q&A with the director

Chagrin Falls Film Festival

October 6 & 8 2017 

Chagrin Falls, OH

followed by a Q&A with the director

Miami Jewish Film Festival

Screening the Holocaust Series

Monday October 2 2017 @ 7pm

Miami Beach Cinemateque

Miami Beach, FL

followed by a Q&A with the director

JCC Manhattan

September 26 2017 @ 7 pm

followed by a Q&A with the director

Selections + Selectors

September 2017 

The Wythe Hotel

Brooklyn New York

followed by a Q&A with the director

JCC of Staten Island

September 2017 

Staten Island, NYC 

followed by a Q&A with the director

The Film Society of Summit

September 2017 

Summit, NJ 

followed by a Q&A with the director

Lower East Side Film Festival

June 2017

Sunshine Cinemas NYC

followed by a Q&A with the director

Museum of Jewish Heritage -

A Living Memorial to the Holocaust

New York City

May 11, 2017

followed by a post-screening panel 

with NANA team members


International Film Festival 

followed by a Q&A with the director

Columbus International Film & Video Festival, in partnership with the Columbus Jewish Film Festival 

followed by a Q&A with the director

Palm Beach

International Film Festival 

followed by a Q&A with the director

 Fargo Film Festival

followed by a Q&A with the director

Amnesty International

Au Cinéma pour les Droits Humains

(some screenings in partnership with Oxfam, ACAT, Planned Parenthood, Paul Va Au Cinema, middle and high schools, and Université Paul Valéry)

 France (March 2017)

Irvine International Film Festival

(Jan. 2017)

Anchorage International Film Festival

(Dec. 2016) 


St. Louis International Film Festival

(Nov. 2016) 

Awards & Screenings

Host a Screening & Educational DVD

Host a Screening / Educational DVD

Are you interested in hosting a screening of NANA? 

Please fill out the form, and specify the nature of the screening, estimated number of attendees, location, and any other relevant information.

Let us know if you would like a Q&A with a member of the NANA team. 

For inquiries for the USA and Canada, please contact Marc Mauceri at First Run Features || (212) 243 0600 

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Educational DVD

If you want to use NANA in a school or classroom, the educational DVD is available at

Please contact Marc Mauceri at First Run Features for additional information. || (212) 243 0600 

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